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Kawat gigi ortopedi untuk perlindungan olahraga dan pencegahan cedera
Jan 07,2022

Olahraga es-salju menjadi populer, kawat gigi dan penyangga orthotic get more attention. Under the influence of the Winter Olympic atmosphere, ice and snow sports have always been popular - in addition to professional ice and snow sports venues and scenic spots with ice and snow sports conditions, all kinds of ice and snow sports into communities, villages and schools have also been carried out in full swing. In recent years, China has increased the research on advanced composite sports protective equipment and medical rebilitative equipment. It is gratifying that personalized armor and protective equipment made of new materials, carbon fiber steered sleigh, snowboard and other sports protection equipment and medical devices will finally be applied in the preparation and competition of the national team for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the Beijing winter Paralympic Games. As a winter sport, ice and snow sports must be well prepared before participating, especially in winter. Formal sports venues have perfect supporting mechanisms, such as professional coaches, buffer areas on the venue, athletes and professional protective equipment, so as to protect the safety of athletes. The first injury in ice and snow sports is knee sprain and fracture, by meniscus and ankle ligament injury, as well as concussion. Therefore, warm-up exercise needs to mobilize the muscles around the knee, hip and ankle, improve the protection of muscles to the joint and enhance the stability of the joint. Secondly, we need relevant lower limb protection braces, such as kawat gigi pelindung lutut, penyangga pergelangan kaki , penculikan pinggul, kacamata, dll, terutama untuk pemula untuk mencegah cedera olahraga.

Xiamen Huakang Ortopedi CO LTD adalah produsen profesional perangkat medis - kawat gigi ortopedi dan dukungan dengan sertifikasi yang disetujui FDA dan MDR. Produk kami memiliki semua jenis kawat gigi, termasuk kawat gigi kaki, belat pergelangan kaki, penyangga pejalan kaki pergelangan kaki, belat malam punggung, penyangga kaki plantar fasciitis, immobilizer lutut, penyangga pinggul, penyangga punggung bawah, penyangga tulang belakang, kerah serviks, penyangga bahu arm sling, humerus penjepit, splint pergelangan tangan jempol spica, penyangga siku, belat jari dll. Kami juga memiliki penyangga lutut untuk anak-anak, selempang lengan anak-anak, penyangga walker anak-anak, penyangga pergelangan tangan anak-anak yang terkilir, kerah serviks anak-anak dll. Kami masih memiliki masker wajah medis, pelindung wajah medis, gaun pelindung medis, kacamata pengaman medis, dll. Jika Anda menginginkan informasi lebih lanjut, silakan masukkan

ankle knee brace for snow sports

ankle knee protector for Winter Olympic

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